Reading Log 9: The Silver Chair

Chapter 9: How They Discovered Something Worth Knowing

Burenjargal Baatar
3 min readApr 23, 2021

Comprehension Questions
1. What did Jill do as soon as the hunting party set off? Why did no one suspect her of any secret design?

She wandered around the castle, acting like a baby so that everyone was calling her “a poor little thing” and giving what she wanted.

2. What happened at lunchtime? How did the discovery affect the three of them?

During the lunch, they found out they were eating a Narnian creature (a talking stag). Jill was not affected much from this incident that she thought only what a poor stag, while Scrubb was terrified because he had once a talking beast friend before in Narnia. It affected Puddleglum the most in the most horrifying way because he, himself is Narnian. It was like eating own species.

3. What recipes did Jill read in the giants’ cookery book? What recipe did Puddleglum read?

Jill looked at the recipes of pie-dishes of giants, firstly she read a recipe of Malliard-pie, a kind of bird, then she found a recipe of men-pie. It said men is a traditional dish in Autumn Feast, which was such a sudden and terrible news for her. When the Puddleglum climbed over the table and read the recipe book, he also found Marsh-wiggle recipe of giants.

4. Where were they when they came out into the pale sunlight of a winter afternoon? What did they realize?

They found themselves on a steep path down to the City Ruinous. One unfortunate things they realized was their view was presence to all the windows of the Gentle Giants’ castle. There were over 40 windows looking at their road, making their escape harder.

5. What were Jill and Eustace wearing? What did Jill feel like when she was running?

Jill and Eustace were wearing very bright colored clothes that could easily get noticed in the winter. Jill was wearing long green robe with a scarlet mantle decorated with white fur. Eustace was in a scarlet and blue. While they were escaping, the giants that were on hunting recognized them and started to chase them. Jill felt as if she were a prey, hastily running from the hunter.

6. What happened after they got into the crevice?

It was so dark that making no difference whether they shut or close their eyes. When they kept walking along the hole, they encountered many twists and turns, and suddenly Jill slid into a dark and deep hole, loudly screaming. Puddleglum and Scrubb had no choice but slid after her. They slid altogether down to the hole, knowing what was at the bottom. Luckily, they did not get injured seriously, they landed alive at the bottom but heard a voice of an unknown creature.


Since the title of this chapter was interesting to me, I kept looking for what would be something they discovered and worth knowing during this chapter. Maybe it was the cookery book of giants that informed them they were going to be Autumn Feast dish. But, for me, it was not much of a surprising fact. I reckon they already knew that somehow they will be chopped down by the giants even if they are called “gentle”. So, I hope that something worth knowing could be a mysterious creature they met in the underworld. He might be an ally of Aslan and help them on their journey to find Lost Prince.



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