Reading Log 7: The Silver Chair

Burenjargal Baatar
3 min readApr 9, 2021


Chapter 6: The Hill of the Strange Trenches

Comprehension Questions

  1. What was the day like?

It was a snowy day with a cold and strong wind, making their journey bitter and harsh.

2. What was the top of the hill like?

There were four ledges which were four feet high on the way to the top of the hill. When they reached at the top, it was completely flat.

3. What happened, to Jill’s horror? What was the trench like? Why didn’t Jill want to go around the corner?

She accidentally slid into a dark and deep trench whish was about 3 meter wide. Jill did not think that the trench would lead them to the north, and the Marsh-wiggle was also warning her not go too far alone because it was a giants’ territory.

4. Why couldn’t Jill think of the next sign?

Because she did not repeat the signs everyday as Aslan said. She forgot the signs, so she was angry with herself and was projecting her anger onto Puddleglum.

5. What was the outside of Harfang like?

It was on a steep rock and there were many towers that were bigger than castles. The buildings had windows close to the ground and many small doors which made this place look more welcoming to the guests.

6. What did the porter look like?

He was not as gigantic as they expected, he was as tall as apple tree. He had a stiff and dry red hair and was wearing a leather jerkin with metal plates all over it. His knees were not covered with clothes so that it showed how hairy he was. He wrapped his legs with puttees.

7. Where did the children find themselves?

They were brought in a humongous room with a shining roof and cornice, full of giants. And, they saw two thrones —the King and Queen — at the end of the room.


I was impressed by Jill’s patience and toughness in this chapter. Climbing to the ledges and walking in the cold snowstorm would be an arduous job for a teenage girl, but she made it till the Harfang with Scrubb and Marsh-wiggle. It just made me think of one story I had in my life. One day, I think, I was 5 or 6, my dad was about to go to the mountains with my brother. I asked my dad to take me as well, but he wanted to go with my brother because he is older than me, and a boy. I cried loudly at that time and screaming “I can do anything my brother can do, why you are not bringing me” So, my dad allowed me to go with them. We had to walk for over 2 hours just to reach the mountains. Sometimes, it was way too hard for me to keep up with my dad and brother, the road was tough, but I did not want to give up because I told them that I could do anything they can do. Having had this thought in mind, I made it till the end as how Jill reached the Harfang even she was physically lacking compared to her comrades.



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