Reading Log 14: The Silver Chair

Burenjargal Baatar
2 min readMay 26, 2021


Chapter 14 The Bottom of the World

Comprehension Questions

  1. What did the gnome tell them? What was his name?

The gnome named Golg said he and the other gnomes realized they were under enchantment at the moment when the great red glow appeared in the Deep Realm and remembered their old lives in Land of Bism. And Golg said he is ready to serve the Prince with all his heart.

2. Why was Puddleglum still cautious? What did Golg say to relieve their fears?

Puddleglum was still suspicious about the gnomes because they looked like preparing for the battle after the death of the Queen. But, Golg said they were going to fight against the Queen without hesitation because they did not know she had died already. Also, they thought the Prince was still the Queen’s companion.

3. What was Golg’s response when they asked about the road to the diggings? Why did he think it was dreadful? Why did he think the Overlanders lived on the outside?

He was scared when they mentioned the road. He does not like where this road leads to. He thinks the Overland has no roof but something called sky is above the land and it is terrifying. He said he can’t live a place where there is no roof. Plus, he thinks the Overlanders live the outside because they can’t find their way in the Underland.

4. What could they see down in the chasm? What did Golg have to say about the land of Bism?

They saw a land that is shining with many different bright colors and has a dry air with an unpleasant smell which makes them sneeze. And, there was a fire-river which Golg said it talks. Also, Golg said it is a great place for the Prince to stay or at least to have a short visit. He also said they grow real gold and gems down there.

5. How did they proceed after the lamps went out in the tunnel? What gave them hope?

After the lights turned down completely in the cave, they tried to calm themselves and even Puddleglum made a joke about it. Scrubb said he saw a dim light in the cave which gave them hope that there is a way to get out of it.


This chapter was the only chapter that made me want to see the visuals of the scenes. There were many interesting scenes such as in the caves, tunnels, strange green lamps, and Land of Bism, and chasm, etc. Especially, I want to see how the Land of Bism is. It seemed so colorful and beautiful, and a bit dangerous at the same time. Also, I really liked how they became more resilient and tough compared with the times when they started their journey. Especially, when Puddleglum made a joke when the complete darkness came to the tunnel, I was so surprised as well as proud of him. He was the one who always sees the danger and negative sides of the things first, but now he can think positively about the things happening to them.



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