Reading Log 13: The Silver Chair

Burenjargal Baatar
2 min readMay 20, 2021


Chapter 13: Underland without the Queen

Comprehension Questions
1. What theory did Puddleglum have about the strange events in Underworld?

Puddleglum thought that the Witch has laid a magic spell that would destroy everything in Underworld once she got killed.

2. Why didn’t the Prince want to put on his armor? What happened to his shield? What did he think it meant?

That armor represented the slavery that he was under so he did not want to put it on. His shield turned into a bright silver, and a red lion’s figure appeared which he thought it is a sign of Aslan that he will be their lord once and for all. He told the others to kneel and kiss Aslan’s likeness and start the adventure boldly.

3. How does Jill’s attitude toward the horses show about her courage and character?

Jill was not as scared as she used to. She was quickly saddled on the horse and rode fearlessly between the beasts.


I am so glad that the Prince and the other travelers are making a good team. In the previous chapters, as I remember, I could not see enough harmony from them. Since they escaped from the giant city, their chemistry and unity was gradually increasing. And, this chapter was the part of it, everyone raised their theories about the disaster happening in the Underworld and listening to each other carefully. Also, with the help of the Prince, they became more collective and stronger. I would to see how much they could do together until the end. Hope they will not lose anybody.



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