Reading Log 12: The Silver Chair

Burenjargal Baatar
3 min readMay 13, 2021


Chapter 12: The Queen of Underland

Comprehension Questions

  1. Why did Prince Rilian shiver when the Queen of the Underland spoke to him? What did he say? What did the Witch do in response to the Prince’s speech?

He shivered because of the strong enchantment he was under all this time when he spoke to the Queen. It was hard for him to be normal and talk. He said two things to the Queen. One was he will never conquer Overworld and bome tyrant as she pleased. Another thing he said was he is the Prince Rilian of the Narnia. And lastly, he said he will escape from the dark realm with his new comrades. In response to his speech, the Queen said nothing but threw a green powder to the fire, emitting sweet smell and started playing an instrument and speaking in a soporific voice, which made the Prince and the others hard to think clearly.

2. What darted into Jill’s head at once? What made her forget them? What did she feel like? Why? What did Puddleglum say? How did it affect the others?

Many things darted into Jill’s head at once, including Experiment House, Adela Pennyfather, her own home, cinemas, cars, airplanes, etc. But when the Witch played her instrument, she forgot everything. When the enchantment went into effect, she felt more like she was not enchanted at all. Puddleglum was trying hard not to get into the enchantment. He kept talking about how is in the Narnia and Overworld, which awakened the others for a while.

3. How did the Prince try to explain the sun? How did Scrubb try to explain a lion? How did the Witch respond?

The Prince used a lamp as an example to explain the Sun while Scrubb used a cat to explain a lion. The Witch’s response was similar to both of their explanation. She said they are dreaming and playing make-believe like children.

4. What brave thing did Puddleglum do? What happened all at once?

When the enchantment got stronger and almost complete, Puddleglum stamped on the Witch’s fire with his bare foot. The smell of his burnt foot lessened the sweet smell. As a result, the effect of the enchantment was disrupted so that everyone was awakened again. And, the Witch was threatening the Puddleglum not to touch her fire. Lastly, the pain of his burnt foot made his mind perfectly clear.

5. What was happening to the Witch? What did she do? What did the Prince do? What did Scrubb and Puddleglum do?

The Witch was taking her serpent form in front of their eyes. After she finished turning into a great serpent, she quickly rounded the Prince with her body, luckily the Prince managed to free his arms and sword. He chocked its neck with his left hand. Meantime, Puddleglum and Scrubb seized the chance and three of them attacked to the serpent with their weapons at once. Scrubb’s attack hit the body of the snake below the Rilian’s hand. Rilian and Puddleglum’ attacks were both on its neck. With the second blow, they cut its head off.


I found this chapter so funny. When I pictured the scene where the Witch was trying to complete her enchantment while talking to them and playing her fiddle, I almost burst out laughing. Because, the way she asks questions and responds to the Prince and the others was cute and funny, yet, I thought, it was supposed to be somehow intimidating or scary. Plus, her enchantment was interrupted several times, and each time, she was trying hard to convince them. For some reason, I found these scenes very funny even if I tried to be as serious as I could. I was expecting scarier scenes from the Witch in this chapter, but I pretty liked how it went after all :)



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