Reading Log 11: The Silver Chair

Burenjargal Baatar
3 min readMay 6, 2021


Chapter 11: In the Dark Castle

Comprehension Questions

  1. From what did the knight say the Queen had saved him? What kind of spell did he say he was still under? How did the Queen mean to rescue him from the enchantment?

He said the Queen saved him from an evil enchantment which makes him wild and furious so that try to kill his friends then turns into a fierce serpent every night. Whenever this hour starts, the Queen binds him not to move. Also, when she makes him the king of the Overworld, he is supposed to be freed from this enchantment. So, the Queen is planning to conquer the Overworld for him.

2. Why did the knight say he would be content to live by the Queen’s word?

Because he truly believed the Queen always takes care of him more than a mother takes care of her child.

3. What did Puddleglum and the children think of the knight and the Queen?

They thought that the Queen is witch and the knight is the doll that she is playing with for accomplishing any sort of her vicious scheme.

4. What did they see when the returned to the room in which they had supped? What warning did the knight give them?

They saw the knight, sweating and suffering, bound with the silver chair by his body. The knight warned them not to loose the bindings and try not to react or hear what he says and does because when his enchantment goes into effect, he will turn into a wild man than into a serpent, which will be both dangerous.

5. What did the knight start to do and say?

He started explaining he was enchanted during the day and finally now he was in his right mind. so turning into a crazy man and great serpent was a lie. And he continued, the queen is the witch who is prisoning him in the Underworld for years. He begged them to release him from his bound.

6. What did the knight say that made the travelers cry out? Why did they hesitate?

The travelers were shocked and started hesitating after hearing the name of Aslan from the knight’s mouth. Puddleglum first uttered “it is the sign of Aslan” that they need to find out, but the others were still hesitating if it is another trick of the witch.

7. What did the knight do as soon as he was free? What did he say afterwards? Who was he?

Right after he was freed, he grabbed his sword to protect his rescuers because he heard some steps coming to them. He said he did not want anyone to become a victim of the witch. After that he recognized a Narnian, marsh-wiggle. He told them he is a prince of Narnia, Rilian, son of the king Caspian.


This chapter was way interesting because finally the Prince Rilian was revealed, and it was so lucky of him that he met Jill and the others in the Underworld and was rescued. The moment they decided to release him from his bound was so satisfying, and I finally took a deep breath even though I knew that they would somehow find out he is the Prince and try to save him. Now, I am so excited to see how they will make their escape from the witch and if it will work successfully. I think he might go under enchantment again when his sane hours finishes, so I am worrying about their escape, knowing how the witch could be vicious.

Another thing that was interesting about this chapter was the silver chair that Rilian was bound to. I wondered about the title of this book when I first started reading this book. Even if there was not a good amount of explanation of this mysterious chair in this chapter, at least, it appeared in the scene. I do not know if the author named the book as this chair for deeper meaning or not, I am so interested to know about it.



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